Saturday, May 7, 2011


When I visited Portsmouth last week I was strangely awash in nostalgia. There was no reason, I guess it was just the vaguely familiar scene and my recent focus internally. I saw the towers of the draw bridge and was taken back 40 years when I saw them from her house.

Her house. A place of refuge for the unhappy little existence that was childhood.

Friday, May 6, 2011

I went there

Last weekend I went to the town where it happened. Determined this time to see where Nana lived, we took some time in the car to search. Turns out the road she lived on was only cut in one small spot, which was about 500 yards that included her driveway entrance. I stood at a fence that keeps walkers from wandering up to the highway, the ones the chapters are under, and there it was...

I could almost sense the view of where I had been so long ago Of course, the landscape was completely changed, reshaped to move out the sweetness of my youth and replace it with the proper drainage a highway needs....but still, I was washed over byt he nostalgia that here, before the terrible night of 1966, I had spent my little bit of summer freedom with Dolly and grasshoppers, among Gar's old cement blocks and my own imagination...

Now I want to go there again and go through the fence to walk around. Maybe there is a little piece of blue stucco they forgot to destroy...